Sunday, February 22, 2009

Creationism vs. Evolutionism

I would like to first start off by saying that I am not fully convinced  by either of these arguments. When it comes to the theory of creationism it really comes down to whether you believe in a god or some other almighty power and choose to take the leap of faith and place all you trust in that, but that is exactly what it takes, a leap of faith because the argument lacks major factual evidence. As for the argument of evolutionism it is science based, research has been done but the by no means, means that the argument is perfect or even close.

So what do I believe?
well honestly if I was forced to choose between the two I would have to go with the theory of evolutionism because I myself am not a religious person and I need research and facts to convince me the something is true.

Either way I, like the Muslims believe that even if god did create the world perfectly we must study it to understand it and I think that in the end if creationism is true this research  should cause us to exhaust all other possibilities and prove it true.

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